The Schubert Ensemble Trust has launched a scheme which will offer grants to encourage performances of works that the Schubert Ensemble has commissioned. The grants will be open to ensembles and promoters who plan public performances of any of the concert works listed on this website's commissions page (arrangements and Chamber Music 2000 pieces are excluded). Applications are welcome from 1st September 2018. Details of the scheme can be found below:
The Schubert Ensemble Trust
(Registered Charity No. 1002244)
Grants for performances of Schubert Ensemble commissions
What are the grants for?
The grants will give financial support to concerts which include performances of Schubert Ensemble commissions.
What is the aim of the grants?
to encourage promoters and chamber groups to programme contemporary works
to sustain interest in the concert works commissioned by the Schubert Ensemble over its 35-year history (1983-2018)
Who can apply?
Any promoter or performer who plans to include a Schubert Ensemble commission in the programme of a public concert can apply for a grant. While the scheme is aimed at professional ensembles, student groups may also apply, though precedence will be given to those who can show they intend to stay together for more than one performance
How much are the grants?
Grants will be offered of £200-£500 per performance, depending on the number of players and the length of the piece, up to a maximum of ten grants per performer/promoter a year.
To which pieces do the grants apply?
Grants will be offered for performances of any of the concert pieces commissioned by or on behalf of the Ensemble. These are listed on the Archive/Commissions page of the Schubert Ensemble website. Grants will not apply to arrangements or to pieces in the Chamber Music 2000 collection.
How to apply?
A downloadable application form can be found here, which should be filled in and sent to the email address on the form. Basic information will be required from applicants about venues, performers and repertoire. Applications can be made at any time. They will be assessed regularly and decisions returned within two months of applications being submitted. Further information and references might be requested after the initial application form has been processed. The grant will be payable when proof can be offered that the performance has taken place (e.g. concert programme, review etc).
How long will this scheme last?
Funds are limited, but it is expected that the scheme will run for at least two or three years, possibly longer.
If you have further questions, please put them in an email and send via Contact.