Schubert Ensemble Timeline
January 11th 1983
The Ensemble's first concert (St Martin-in-the-Fields, London). Players: Paul Barritt (violin), Gustav Clarkson (viola), Josephine Horder (cello), Peter Buckoke (double bass), William Howard (piano)
October 12th 1983
First concert with Jane Salmon (cello)
December 1983
First tour overseas (to Hong Kong)
May 30th 1984
First Wigmore Hall concert. Premiere of first commission: Triptych by Colin Matthews
September 13th and 16th 1984
Two Smetana Centenary concerts, Purcell Room, South Bank Centre, London
15th June and 5th July 1988
Mozart/Fauré Series at Wigmore Hall
23rd to 25th October 1988
First CD recording (Schubert and Hummel for Hyperion Records)
26th September 1989
First live TV performance (Frank Bridge in Prague)